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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Todays' Painting, "Quarter Pepper" by Gordon van Vliet


Todays' painting, "Quarter Pepper" is 6"W x 4"H oil on canvas. This is my second painting in the pepper format and is the exact pepper used in the first painting.

The quarter is not an American quarter, but a Dutch quarter obtained on my last trip there in 1984. Now Holland uses the Euro like so many other countries in Europe.

My pepper crop is growing well.

Comment: i took several photos of pepper plants today because i was doing a painting of the kirby barn [what else would i do] at the painting out but i was sitting next to a field of peppers. they were allowing a large group of plants go red. it was a great day with lots of clouds. as usual i love your site and the painting is great. Judy




At 7:56 PM, Blogger Lori McNamara said...

Much better pepper than the penny pepper. This one looks good enough to eat! Lori

At 8:31 PM, Blogger "van Vliet" Art Blog said...

Thanks Lori. It's good to note improvement.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Marie Wise said...

Very nice pepper, Gordon. I with I had a garden for inspiration. All I can paint outside where I live is wet! I wonder, can a person paint rain?

Good luck with the ebay. I am scheduled to start the ebay process in October as well. I hope it goes smooth.

Take care.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger "van Vliet" Art Blog said...

I think painting rain would be fun. How about reflections of something interesting in a puddle or with fresh rain falling on it. Great exercise. Looking forward to see your progress on Ebay as well.

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prefer this one to the other because the composition is stronger. You work keeps getting better and better.


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