Objective Art
Today I am writing about objective art. What is it? Simply this, that an artist think first what it is he is trying to communicate to his audience. Who is he speaking to? Then he composes his artwork in such a manner to effectively communicate that message whether it is an emotional or intellectual response.
It is not subjective. It is not without input from the artist. It is not whatever the audience sees or feels in it. Rather the artist is successful only when his message is what is primarily seen and to that degree.
Some interesting web sites that discuss this are ARC International and Art 21 Org .
I also found this interesting image and comment. The comment is posted on the Penn State Objectivist Club site. Here is a quote from that post "When an economist referred to him once as an audacious gambler, Mulligan said, “The reason why you’ll never get rich is because you think that what I do is gambling”.”"
Take a look and then comment to me on your thought and reaction.
Its a great day in March! Link